Doctorate Protestant Theology

In addition to scholarly pre-vocational training, the program serves as preparation for scholarly research in the field of the dissertation and thus the education and promotion of young scholars. It offers a scholarly training and education on an international level and seeks to provide graduates with the skills necessary for independent research in their respective field in accordance with international standards.

Students are to write a Doctoral thesis to prove their ability of independent thought and research. The thesis must hold up to international standards according to the respective field of study as well as allow for (partial) publication. The presentation of the research in scientific journals and conferences before the submission of the dissertation is desired.

PhD of Advanced Theological Studies/Religion Education

The program serves as preparation for scholarly research in the fields of Catholic Theology, Protestant Theology, interdisciplinary theological research or religious education. It offers scholarly training and education on an international level and seeks to provide graduates with the skills necessary for independent research in their respective field in accordance with international standards.

Vienna Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion

VDTR promotes innovative, interdisciplinary research and offers its doctoral students the unique opportunity to pursue their research interests in a trans- and interdisciplinary framework from the very beginning of their doctoral training.

Our PhD students are part of a vibrant network of researchers in an international and diverse range of humanities and theologies. In this way, VDTR brings together researchers from multiple disciplines working on religions and creates an environment of interdisciplinary exchange.

In addition to facilitating intellectual networking and guidance in the dissertation process, the VDTR supports its doctoral students in acquiring skills that prepare them for the job market within and outside academia.

Further Information:

→ Vienna Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion